What We’re Made Of…

Together, our group is magic.

tumblr_lwzi2jvjZ01qfej27o1_500 We are a group of writers and aspiring authors who came together for a very specific purpose: inspiration.

Our group strives for excellence in writing through the sharing of ideas and materials, constructive feedback, writing exercises and mutual support.

We meet once a month in the Ogden area to discuss current writing projects, set personal goals, find writing opportunities and… laugh hysterically at ourselves. We also plan group activities and outings to enhance the group dynamic and gain unique experiences that help enrich our writing.

We are writers, after all, so our group dynamic is a bit quirky. We’ve invented odd references to anatomical parts, wandered through historic graveyards, snuck into antique clawfoot tubs, taken over an entire dressing room, and received advice from extremely hostile coffee-shop patrons.

The members of our group are sort of random, unusual, a little dorky and most certainly eccentric. But together our group is pure magic.

Writing the Fire Founders

Natalie White

Natalie is a talented writer who has been walking around with stories in her head since the tender age of five. She’s currently working on several writing projects, most of which fall under fantasy, horror, or (not your typical) romances. Her inspiration comes from her own dreams, music, people-watching and nature. Natalie is also a freelance writer and available to help any individual or organization with a variety of writing needs.

Lori King

IMG_2052 Lori is a writer whose home is full. She has four children, a dog, a turtle, a chicken and a husband providing her hours of entertainment, awareness, anxiety and pure joy. They also mess up her house quite a bit. Currently, her diet consists mostly of left over macaroni and cheese and peanut butter sandwiches which she refuses to let go to waste.
Lori’s favorite pastimes are hiking, swimming, reading and writing. You can find her personal blog here.

Cindy Jones

Cindy has found joy in writing since the second grade, when she decided that the stories in her head made for much more interesting journal entries than reality. She is currently working on (and probably procrastinating) her first book, a contemporary fiction novel that dips its toes into the magical realism genre. She has been freelance writing for eight years, engaging in a variety of projectsBooks prof such as news articles, web pages, reviews, press releases, marketing banners, and (her personal favorite) rock band  biographies. She draws inspiration from great music, travel and great friends.  Her proudest title is mom to two young daughters, who provide an  endless supply of story material.

5 thoughts on “What We’re Made Of…

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